I initially started using honey because my husband recommended it for my cough. He urged me to take a teaspoon of honey one night because I had a nagging cough that was keeping me from getting any sleep. I really didn't see how honey could help but I figured that it certainly couldn't hurt! I took a teaspoon of honey and my cough immediately calmed down and I was able to go to sleep. Now I take honey every time I even think that I may have irritation in my throat just before I go to sleep. I love the fact that I am not having to take any kind of over the counter cough medicines for my cough but rather am turning to something natural. And since I started using the honey for my throat I have done a little research and am constantly amazed at all of the health benefits of honey! How can something so sweet and so good be so good for you!
Not long after discovering the benefits of using honey at night, I discovered that taking a teaspoon of honey before I leave to go sing helps keep my throat feeling smoother and enables me to sing with more clarity and ease. A lot of times different over the counter cough supprestants and allergy medicines will dry out the throat. Singing with a dry throat is not pleasant. Not for the singer nor the listener!
There are many different kinds of honey and there are some that are better for some things than others are. I have learned that for allergies the best honey is local honey. You want to use honey that is made from the very plants and flowers that are triggering your allergies to begin with. I am going to be writing here in the future about the different kinds of honey and what each of them are best for.
There are many different health benefits from honey that I am going to be writing about as well. I am learning about honey raising white blood cell counts in people who are taking chemo, about it being helpful for those needing to increase their antioxident levels, a cure for acne, losing weight and also as a natural antibiotic. I will be writing about all of this one subject at a time as I hope that in writing on this that someone will benefit from the information.
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