Monday, July 1, 2013

Honey Bath

Women of times long ago, used milk, honey and other natural ingredients for all of their health and beauty regiments. 

Add a cup of honey to your bath water for softer skin!

Recipes Using Honey

     If I were to search the internet looking for recipes using honey, I would probably come up with TONS of them!  However, I would really like to hear from my readers.

                                What recipes have you used and have found to be GOOD?

                            What uses for honey have you tried and found to be helpful to you?

                          Leave me some comments with your links and recipes!


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Swarm Traps and Bee Hives

I think for the most part, people who love honey also love the availability of local bee keepers, wherefore we can go and BUY a jar of fresh honey WITHOUT having to come in contact with the BEES

Am I right? 

But there are some, and I am grateful for them, who prefer to raise bees and have their own honey farm. 

Some of my readers may be thinking about doing this as well!  So, I was looking around the other day and I found something that may be of interest to those who are thinking about getting started in raising bees and how to do it for free.

Check it out:
Swarm Traps and Bee Hives
Click Here!">