Monday, March 28, 2011

What I Believe

When I decided recently to start blogging....the decision on what to blog about was pretty easy for me.  As a singer I was constantly bothered by a tickle in my throat, due to an allergy problem, and I had discovered that honey really was working for me when over the counter allergy medicines were drying out my throat and making it difficult for me to sing.  I began to dig around on the internet to find out more about honey and see if there might be other home remedies that I could use honey for.  I was amazed, and still am, at all that I find out there about how honey can be used to treat so many things. 

I am a firm believer in the gospel of Jesus Christ.  I believe that God gave us certain plants and herbs to keep us healthy.  And I believe that honey is another blessing that He gave us to keep us healthy and help us treat different ailments that we may suffer from.  Recently I used a dab of honey on my arm when I managed to burn myself while cooking.  Instantly it took the sting out and I forgot that it had even happened until a few days later and I couldn't even find the place that had been burned!

Soon I am going to branch out a little bit and start investigating other plants and foods that the LORD has provided for us and I will be posting about those things as well.  Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions for things that you might want to know more about.....and may God richly bless you!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Had to remove post cause typos.
    I've been using local honey everyday on p.b. sandwiches. WAS on Xyzal for allergies years, as was shots when growing up, but I don't take prescription anymore & only use Allegra once in a while. ;-) There's a lot of people who believe, as there have been reports stated, that mj (an herb) has medicinal value. I take NUMEROUS natural supplements & coming off medications, as well as getting relief of symptoms. ;-) God made all things natural. It's MAN who has created pharmaceuticals. Just thought I'd share

  3. Thank you for the comment Cindy....and I agree with you completely on your remark about God creating all things natural and man creating pharmaceuticals...I believe there are many remedies that could be used in place of the pharmaceuticals that they do not want us to know about.
